Welcome to my Website

“. . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Regardless of what I do, I always try to do it as the Apostle Paul said in the above passage “. . . all to the glory of God.”


FYI – If you would like to hear quiet music while on this page, please start the Music Player immediately to the right side and it will continue to run as long as you remain on this page, but you will have to restart it on any other page you view. Simply press play on the Music Player. Because of the nature of the first song, the music will not start until after 30 seconds. Just be patient.

As a writer, I focus on putting words together to meet your need, whether your need is a story, an advertisement, a blog, a book or something entirely different.

I have been writing blogs for over 10 years now and have progressed into monthly newsletters for my followers and now a book.

Feel free to browse my blogs where you are likely to find something that interests you. I have not been posting much in the last few months but, of late I have had a rejuvenation of topics to share. I would also request that you share my blogs with whomever you wish.

Below you will find my recently released books that are now available on Amazon. A link to each is under each book and there you can decide if you want the paperback or the ebook. If you purchase or download any of the books, I would be so grateful if you would leave a review once you have finished the book. Your review helps sell more books.

This is the first in a series of Brian’s journey through the whole Bible beginning with the book of Genesis. I am encouraging children to collect the whole set.

Finally, please sign up to receive my monthly newsletter. My goal is to send a newsletter at the end of each month. I look forward to getting acquainted with you.


A devotional blog by Shawn Thomas

The Christian Tech-Nerd

-Reviews, Advice & News For All Things Tech and Gadget Related-

Inner Peace

True wealth is the wealth of the soul


An Occasional Blog of Devotionals Inspired by A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, The Way of the Marys, and The Age of the Heart. . .with Celia Hales - https://www.amazon.com/author/celiahales


Words to God Shared Frequently. . . with Celia Hales - https://www.amazon.com/author/celiahales

Larry Hurtado's Blog

Comments on the New Testament and Early Christianity (and related matters)

Connecting Dots...to God

Theology in Cultural Context


exploring group ministry today


Diverse voices writing monthly articles about theological and spiritual topics.


Stories, features, articles of writer and author David Ettinger.

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament

This blog is a Christian perspective on the Old Testament and Current Events from Dr. Claude Mariottini, Professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary.

Perfect Chaos

The Writings of Steven Colborne

Writer's Harvest

Harvest your writing skills



SIMPLY SWANK est. 2018

My Christian Life-Rhyme | Sharing the Love of God, One Inspiration at a Time


From A Garden To A City, And Beyond - The Prophetic Journey. Isaiah 65:17.

Haden Clark

Philosophy. Theology. Everything else.